For the
less hardworking people:
The department I am interested in is the Capital Markets Intermediaries Department. The department is responsible for the supervision of capital market intermediaries - including broker-dealers, fund managers, corporate finance advisors, financial advisors, insurance brokers and trust companies. People who are motivated, independent, and work well in a team are preferred. Other traits include confidence, analytical and strong interpersonal skills when dealing with demanding and challenging situations. The ability to work at the conceptual and operational levels is necessary to be an effective regulator.
MAS does not have a preference for certain disciplines, this is to build a diverse workforce that is multidisciplinary in nature. Applicants must have a genuine interest to build a career in MAS, and the applicant's adaptability, motivation and the training at MAS allow applicants to contribute positively to the organisation.
25 Prince George’s Park,
Residence 6, Block 30,
#07-05 S(118424)
2 September 2010
Human Resource Department,
Monetary Authority of Singapore,
10 Shenton Way, MAS Building,
Singapore 079117
Dear Sir/Madam,
Graduate Officer Programme
I am writing in response to the Graduate Officer Programme recruitment, which I came across on the MAS website. I have recently graduated with a BSc (Hons) Science with Mathematics.
From my enclosed CV, I have led sponsorship committees which require me to negotiate with corporate organisations to raise funds for school events, ranging from sports competitions to environmental campaigns. This experience has given me some exposure in working as a team, negotiating and leadership skills. As a result, I was elected the Marketing Executive of the 31st Sports Club Management Committee. My responsibility was to lead all marketing committees in 26 member clubs, and to avoid any conflicts of interest from taking place in any Sports Club events. I hope to enrich my experience regarding teamwork and leadership while working in MAS.
My most recent commitment, Sponsorship Director of ASEANpreneurs 2010, has allowed me to negotiate with foreign companies in South-East Asia for monetary sponsorship for our programme. The main objective of ASEANpreneurs was to promote entrepreneurship within ASEAN by exchange trips, conferences and competitions. ASEANpreneurs was different compared to my other CCAs as I had to analyse the background of private companies, then negotiate with foreign companies in return for region wide networking opportunities. I am strongly motivated by variety in my work, to motivate and challenge myself. I believe that MAS has varied opportunities for professional growth via job rotations, which I hope I can be part of.
Other than studying mathematics, I had the privilege of being part of the NUS Overseas College Programme in Bio Valley. I have no qualms about stepping into uncharted waters, & I hope to contribute to building a diverse and multidisciplinary workforce, which is one of the aims of MAS. The NOC programme has allowed me to learn to work in a fast paced environment, without compromising standards. The programme allowed me to study while interning at a start-up company, and this was different compared to the lectures on campus, as I have the exposure to a working environment and improved my soft skills, which I am also keen to improve while working in MAS.
With MAS, I would like to extend my knowledge and experience by joining the Capital Markets Department. I wish to apply the skills that I have, coupled with the training provided by MAS, in regulating corporate fundraising, takeovers and mergers. Other than that, I wish to gain experience in promoting the financial development of Singapore. I am driven to do my best in all my responsibilities, and willing to learn to work in new environments. This is what I hope I am able to contribute to MAS.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
Koh Wyhow